Thursday, February 25, 2016



  The worship of "nature" first discussed in the oldest text of the world ,the Rig Veda. The Rig Veda provided us a scientific approach to nature. It was the for the very first time when we came across our pure wealth , nature.  Anyone, with a logical mind knows that Man alone can not survive on this planet – Trees and shrubs provide us valuable Oxygen and Food; Birds and Bees pollinate the flowers to form Fruits and later disperse their Seedsspreading the green cover; Terrestrial and Aquatic animals provide numerous products used by mankind since time immemorial.
Yet, in his greed for more and more resources, Man has managed to cut-down millions of hectares of forests and wipe out innumerable species off the face of this planet!!
Ancient Sages of Hinduism, recognized the importance of this diversity and with their immense fore-sight and ingenuity, included them in the popular Mythology.

The Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) herb is anti-infective and sacred and should be worshiped every morning; the Cow (Gau-Mata) is compared to a Mother as it provides nourishment and its milk is an essential supplement to the vegan diet; plants should not be disturbed at night coz they are asleep (shows the knowledge of Nyctinasty!!); the Prasadam offered to God can not include articles obtained from killing animals etc..

 The scriptures contain innumerable references to plants/animals/birds and marine life and consider each living being on this planet essential for a holistic growth and an Indian kid would generally imbibe and keep following these basic principles even after he grows up.
Even the oldest archaeological civilization of the Indian sub-continent, theIndus-Saraswati Culture had elements of animal worship as evidenced by the Zebu Bull, the Unicorn Seals and numerous mythical powerful animals depicted in their artwork.

Ecology in Hinduism

1. The FIRST and the Most Important Concept in Hinduism, is the belief of being related to every living being on the planet.
Mythologically, it finds mention in the legend of Rishi Kashyap who is considered the Father of not only the Living beings on this planet, but ALL other life forms in our Universe!

All living-beings including the demigods are siblings!

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